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Hurricane season will be here before you know it and that means it’s time to start thinking about your trees. Particularly in Florida, trees can often be pounded by storms. However, with appropriate planning and maintenance done ahead of time, homeowners can help mitigate damage to their trees. In this blog post, we will discuss not only what an arborist does, but what a certified arborist from Anthony’s Tree Trimming can do for you.


The International Society of Arboriculture defines an arborist as an individual trained in the art and science of planting, caring for, and maintaining trees. Because well-cared for trees can fetch a significant return on investment when selling property, it’s imperative to take preventative measures to keep them healthy. Not to mention, poorly maintained trees can be a significant liability in terms of safety.

This is where arborists come into play. These tree care experts are trained and equipped to provide what a tree needs. At first thought, it may not seem like that big of a deal when looking for an arborist. Keep in mind, however, that pruning or removing trees can be dangerous work. That’s why Anthony’s Tree Trimming advises that homeowners leave tree work to the professionals.


Just about anyone can claim to be a reliable source for tree pruning and trimming. Those who are certified help to take the guesswork out of the process. Arborists looking to achieve certification must go through a comprehensive exam developed by some of the nation’s leading tree care experts. Not only that, but they must have reached a level of knowledge in tree care experience. In addition, certified arborists are required to continue their education in order to maintain certification, while also adhering to a strict Code of Ethics. It’s important that homeowners understand that an ISA-certified arborist keeps up on the latest techniques in arboriculture more so than other residential or commercial tree care professionals.


If you’ve lived in Florida for an extended period of time, you probably know that hurricanes and other major storms can lead to incredible tree damage. It may be tempting for some homeowners to trek out to their yard and try handling the broken branches or limbs on their own. However, these trees need to be removed or trimmed by a qualified arborist in order to lessen long-term damage to the tree.

At Anthony’s, our team of arborists will thoroughly assess the tree(s) in question and create a customized plan for tree removal. The last thing you want is to get roped in by a less qualified tree care company whose only goal is to follow storms for a quick buck. Our team of experts take every tree removal project seriously. It’s our mission to protect the health and safety of your family, home, or commercial property.

We will begin the process by determining if the tree can be saved. Keep in mind that even if a tree must be removed, Anthony’s will still abide by safety and training protocol to prevent additional damage. Interestingly, the majority of chainsaw injuries occur during storm cleanup.


The University of Florida recently looked at how trees were specifically impacted following major storms. Here is just a sampling of what they found:

  • Trees growing in confined soil spaces are more prone to blowing over
  • Neighborhoods with the most tree coverage had the
  • Trees in a group blow down less frequently than single trees
  • Trees that are regularly pruned are less likely to fall than those that are not
  • Tree branches that have fallen before are likely to fall again
  • Over-pruning palms can increase their susceptibility to storm damage


Why put you, your family, or your home at risk following a storm? It’s why we recommend that residents of the Treasure Coast of Florida leave the heavy, challenging work of tree and stump removal to us.

Anthony’s doesn’t just provide tree removal, however. For years, we have been the preferred choice for tree cutting and tree pruning. Think of the number of items you have to check off your to-do list before even getting to tree trimming. Not only do you have to research particular techniques and best practices, but you will probably need to purchase specialized tools and equipment that, frankly, you may not use all that often.

As inconvenient a task as it seems, a well-maintained tree carries great importance. Since routine pruning and trimming are essential to the health and structural safety of your trees, we advise that tree pruning be performed anytime you notice dead, broken, or damaged limbs. Routine tree care can be time-sensitive for many homeowners, however, it requires the guidance and expertise of a professional.


Our team may specialize in trees, but that doesn’t mean that we’re only limited to tree care. Anthony’s can provide incredible landscape design to completely transform you home. Plus, if your home or business property is filled with overgrown debris, low-lying branches, and invasive plants, we can help with the highest quality of lot clearing. That’s not all, though! If you’re tired of pressure washing your driveway, fences, roofs, or decks, pass the project onto Anthony’s. We can provide residential, full-service pressure washing at an affordable price.

When a natural disaster strikes, a call to Anthony’s Tree Trimming will put your mind at ease. Be sure to ask about our 10 percent off discount for new customers. Call now.

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